
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What are you doing tomorrow.........?

........That was basically the txt I received late last friday evening. Not a lot, said I, why?
Do you think you could take some photographs at the reception of a friends wedding in the afternoon, just some low key stuff, nothing formal?
A few seconds later I've agreed to this and am planning shots on the beach at Wisemans Bridge, checking memory cards, charging batteries, cleaning lenses and generally thinking why did I agree to this. Hey, I've always liked a challenge. At least there was no time to panic!!
Saturday came and my car went off to be dressed in ribbons and bows....beacuse it was to be used as the Wedding Car to transport the B&G, Tiffany and Blaine, from the registry office to the reception. Now how am I to get to the reception? A nice walk along the coast, no will be a bit sweaty when I get there. A taxi it is then.
On arrival I took a few room and place setting shots as well as the cake.
It was a beautifully sunny day, the tide was about half way up the beach and the Inn looked very splendid in its superb beach side setting.
Tiffany and Blaine arrived enjoying their Champagne in the back of the car. Tiff looked fabulous in her stunning dress and Blaine and the 4 children all looked lovely in their suits and Bridesmaids dresses.
It was a small 'do', about 35 guests, I managed to get few casual pics and the all important group shot from the balcony above the terrace.
Then it was down onto the beach for some lovely couple shots as well as with the little ones.
Now that everyone was beginning to relax a bit, there were calls for small group and family shots.
There was a lovely buffet reception and i took a few table shots as well as the principal spaekers giving their speeches, or not, as the case maybe.


Home then to sit in front of the computer for most of the evening to process images before uploading an album of about 100 finished photo's onto FB.
Really enjoyed the day, different sort of pressures but yet still got some good results.
Tiffany and Blaine are pleased with the photographs, after all that is what matters.

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