
Monday, September 5, 2011

Busy Weekend

Moday morning is here again, where did the weekend disappear to?
Spent Friday evening finalising arrangements for this coming saturdays wedding with Thelma and Ken. Really looking forward to it, a super couple with one idea in
Its a new venue for me so looking forward to the new challenges that brings, will go and have another look around mid week.
Saturday morning I was busy editing when CRASH, my computer finally gave up and died. Bless it, it has been working hard lately.
Off to PC World for a bright and shiney new PC, I felt like a kid let lose in a sweet shop!!!
Eventually decided on an all singing all dancing model.
Its set up and working superbly well, editing is so much quicker, workflow has improved.
Took my lady wife out for a quiet luch on Sunday before returning to my new 23.5 inch screen for the rest of the day.
Happy days and great results.

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