
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Clients = Happy Me

Its allways an anxious time when you present the finished images to the Bride and her mum. It is such a good feeling when you here the ooohs and ahs and mum reaches for the tissues. "How can I possibly chose the ones for my album" and such phrases underline the client satisfaction.
Quite simply, this is why I do what I do.
I love taking photographs and I love it when people like what I have done for them.
The pressure you put yourself under on the day to produce such an important set of images in a short and pressured time frame really is madness, but hey, it is great fun. Most of the time.
I really am proud of the photographs that I took for Emily and Kristian and once they have chosen the ones they want in the album I am confident they will be as thrilled as I am.

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