
Thursday, October 20, 2011

A good couple of days

I always find it nerve racking when I present a Bride with the first look at her photographs. Not that I am not happy with the images, but have I captured them as they had hoped. Well last night was no exception. Again though it all went really well and Thelma and Ken were more than pleased, happy days. Need to upload to the online album and burn low res images onto a proof disc for them to choose their final 80 images for the album.
As usual Ben has done some superb printing for me and Jessica's 20" x 8" panorama with her mum and nan looks stunning. Nan was really impressed, more to come there I think.
Hopefully I will be able to upgrade my event photography services very soon. The ability to print on demand on site will I am sure tranform my opportunities. Watch this space!!
Should have Aimee's list for her album any day now, can't wait to see how that turns out.
Also booked the Regency for another family studio session on the 30th of this month, spaces are filling up so it should be a busy day.

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