
Thursday, October 20, 2011

A good couple of days

I always find it nerve racking when I present a Bride with the first look at her photographs. Not that I am not happy with the images, but have I captured them as they had hoped. Well last night was no exception. Again though it all went really well and Thelma and Ken were more than pleased, happy days. Need to upload to the online album and burn low res images onto a proof disc for them to choose their final 80 images for the album.
As usual Ben has done some superb printing for me and Jessica's 20" x 8" panorama with her mum and nan looks stunning. Nan was really impressed, more to come there I think.
Hopefully I will be able to upgrade my event photography services very soon. The ability to print on demand on site will I am sure tranform my opportunities. Watch this space!!
Should have Aimee's list for her album any day now, can't wait to see how that turns out.
Also booked the Regency for another family studio session on the 30th of this month, spaces are filling up so it should be a busy day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Oh so comfortable.

Our comfort zones are wonderful places, they keep us warm and we feel safe and in control. We certainly don't like to even think about stepping outside, even for a minute. Now I am faced with the decision either to stay in my warm safe place or to take a huge leap of faith and jump way out of my comfort zone into something completely new to me. Although the mechanics of photography I am happy with and infact it is the driving force behind this, the thought of setting up a new business in this climate and at this time of my life scares me senseless.
Its about time I stopped taking the easy option and to cross to the other side of the street, nothing ventured nothing gained and other such cliche's.
The shop premises is fine, the location is fine, the terms are favourable. It needs some cosmetic work but it will take a chunk of money to kit out the studio and to create decent wall displays won't be cheap.
As I will be carrying on in my day job, it will mean lots of evening and weekend work.
Success breeds success Stevie boy.
Those whose opinions I value all say "GO FOR IT".
Stop pratting about and make a decision once and for all.
I like this reflective moment, it remids me of how I feel right now.

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Good Day

The greatest compliment is when someone not only likes what you produce for them but they place a big order, well that is what happened today. Thank you so very much.
Then I have confirmation for a booking to photograph a school fundraiser leading up to Xmas. A good high profile event which should bring more business.
I have noted that there is a shop unit becoming vacant in the village, do I go for it as a studio?
One thing at a time Mr Cautious, find out how much and do your sums first!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Clients = Happy Me

Its allways an anxious time when you present the finished images to the Bride and her mum. It is such a good feeling when you here the ooohs and ahs and mum reaches for the tissues. "How can I possibly chose the ones for my album" and such phrases underline the client satisfaction.
Quite simply, this is why I do what I do.
I love taking photographs and I love it when people like what I have done for them.
The pressure you put yourself under on the day to produce such an important set of images in a short and pressured time frame really is madness, but hey, it is great fun. Most of the time.
I really am proud of the photographs that I took for Emily and Kristian and once they have chosen the ones they want in the album I am confident they will be as thrilled as I am.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A varied bag

What a great day it was yesterday taking photographs at Thelma and Kens wedding. A real privilege and we were so lucky with the weather. The setting was superb, the 3 ring bearers were so cheeky and the bridesmaids looked lovely. Carew Castle is such a superb back drop and I tried out my new photo of a picture within a picture.
Now this morning I have taken dozens of photos of the Ironman challenge as they speed through the village.
When I got home there was an enquiry to cover a school event in December. Oh how I love photography. Happy, Happy days.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Busy Weekend

Moday morning is here again, where did the weekend disappear to?
Spent Friday evening finalising arrangements for this coming saturdays wedding with Thelma and Ken. Really looking forward to it, a super couple with one idea in
Its a new venue for me so looking forward to the new challenges that brings, will go and have another look around mid week.
Saturday morning I was busy editing when CRASH, my computer finally gave up and died. Bless it, it has been working hard lately.
Off to PC World for a bright and shiney new PC, I felt like a kid let lose in a sweet shop!!!
Eventually decided on an all singing all dancing model.
Its set up and working superbly well, editing is so much quicker, workflow has improved.
Took my lady wife out for a quiet luch on Sunday before returning to my new 23.5 inch screen for the rest of the day.
Happy days and great results.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Why The Blog?

Is this the place for the ramblings of  a 50 something year old trying to develop a career in photography?
I don't know, but what I do know is that photography is something that I am truly passionate about and have been since a lad.
My photography business has taken a few cautious steps forward recently, mainly with the launch of my web site at .
I see the web site as somewhere that I must be factual and promote real events in the business, I see this blog as my scribble pad to help develop ideas and thoughts, see how they work out, if they do,  before they reach the real world.
Probably like most people I am good at my craft, but not so good at getting out there to shout about it. That is something I must overcome if I am to succeed.

In The Beginning

Well here it is, my first blog, the first of many I hope.
If you should be following then please stay with me as I develop my blogging skills but more importantly see how my photography business, excuse the pun, develops.